Jeremy Eastaugh offers wedding photography at competitive rates with absoutely no compromise on quality. He knows how to get the best shots and has the equipment and experience to deliver an outstanding wedding album of your special day. There are a number of options with different styles of album available. I'd welcome the opportunity to show you my work and the albums I have selected so please call now to fix a meeting and discuss your Wedding Photography package in more detail
You will have a clear idea of the style or theme of your wedding; our photography will be tailored to suit your personal taste including formal shots of the wedding party with images of you, your family and wedding guests as well as informal photos in the contemporary style. We create stylish bridal portraits and photographic images of your wedding after personal consultation with you and your partner as you prepare for your wedding day. A personal approach to your Wedding Photography ensures that your wedding album contains a collection of photographic pictures which you will be proud of
Visit my Warwickshire Wedding Photography page to read more
Please visit my albums package page for more information
Complete my contact form and I'll be in touch or check out my Frequently Asked Questions page for any additional information you may need before calling about your wedding photography
Call now on 07970 076751 or email